Source code for trafilatura.core

# pylint:disable-msg=E0611,I1101
Extraction configuration and processing functions.

import logging
import sys
import warnings

from copy import copy, deepcopy

from lxml.etree import XPath, strip_tags

# own
from .baseline import baseline
from .external import compare_extraction
from .filters import (LANGID_FLAG, check_html_lang, duplicate_test,
from .hashing import content_fingerprint
from .htmlprocessing import convert_tags, prune_unwanted_nodes, tree_cleaning
from .main_extractor import extract_comments, extract_content
from .metadata import Document, extract_metadata
from .settings import DEFAULT_CONFIG, Extractor, use_config
from .utils import load_html, normalize_unicode
from .xml import build_json_output, control_xml_output, xmltotxt, xmltocsv
from .xpaths import REMOVE_COMMENTS_XPATH

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def determine_returnstring(document, options):
    '''Convert XML tree to chosen format, clean the result and output it as a string'''
    # XML (TEI) steps
    if 'xml' in options.format:
        # last cleaning
        for element in document.body.iter('*'):
            if element.tag != 'graphic' and len(element) == 0 and not element.text and not element.tail:
                parent = element.getparent()
                # do not remove elements inside <code> to preserve formatting
                if parent is not None and parent.tag != 'code':
        # build output tree
        returnstring = control_xml_output(document, options)
    # CSV
    elif options.format == 'csv':
        returnstring = xmltocsv(document, options.formatting)
    # JSON
    elif options.format == 'json':
        returnstring = build_json_output(document)
    # Markdown and TXT
        returnstring = xmltotxt(document.body, options.formatting)
        if document.commentsbody is not None:
            returnstring = f"{returnstring}\n{xmltotxt(document.commentsbody, options.formatting)}".strip()
    # normalize Unicode format (defaults to NFC)
    return normalize_unicode(returnstring)

[docs] def bare_extraction(filecontent, url=None, no_fallback=False, # fast=False, favor_precision=False, favor_recall=False, include_comments=True, output_format="python", target_language=None, include_tables=True, include_images=False, include_formatting=False, include_links=False, deduplicate=False, date_extraction_params=None, only_with_metadata=False, with_metadata=False, max_tree_size=None, url_blacklist=None, author_blacklist=None, as_dict=True, prune_xpath=None, config=DEFAULT_CONFIG, options=None): """Internal function for text extraction returning bare Python variables. Args: filecontent: HTML code as string. url: URL of the webpage. no_fallback: Use faster heuristics and skip backup extraction. favor_precision: prefer less text but correct extraction. favor_recall: prefer more text even when unsure. include_comments: Extract comments along with the main text. output_format: Define an output format, Python being the default and the interest of this internal function. Other values: "csv", "json", "markdown", "txt", "xml", and "xmltei". target_language: Define a language to discard invalid documents (ISO 639-1 format). include_tables: Take into account information within the HTML <table> element. include_images: Take images into account (experimental). include_formatting: Keep structural elements related to formatting (present in XML format, converted to markdown otherwise). include_links: Keep links along with their targets (experimental). deduplicate: Remove duplicate segments and documents. date_extraction_params: Provide extraction parameters to htmldate as dict(). only_with_metadata: Only keep documents featuring all essential metadata (date, title, url). max_tree_size: Discard documents with too many elements. url_blacklist: Provide a blacklist of URLs as set() to filter out documents. author_blacklist: Provide a blacklist of Author Names as set() to filter out authors. as_dict: Legacy option, return a dictionary instead of a class with attributes. prune_xpath: Provide an XPath expression to prune the tree before extraction. can be str or list of str. config: Directly provide a configparser configuration. options: Directly provide a whole extractor configuration. Returns: A Python dict() containing all the extracted information or None. Raises: ValueError: Extraction problem. """ # deprecation warnings if with_metadata is True: only_with_metadata = with_metadata warnings.warn( '"with_metadata" will be deprecated in a future version, use "only_with_metadata instead"', PendingDeprecationWarning ) #if no_fallback is True: # fast = no_fallback #warnings.warn( # '"no_fallback" will be deprecated in a future version, use "fast" instead', # PendingDeprecationWarning #) # load data try: tree = load_html(filecontent) if tree is None: LOGGER.error('empty HTML tree: %s', url) raise ValueError # regroup extraction options if not options or not isinstance(options, Extractor): options = Extractor( config=config, output_format=output_format, fast=no_fallback, precision=favor_precision, recall=favor_recall, comments=include_comments, formatting=include_formatting, links=include_links, images=include_images, tables=include_tables, dedup=deduplicate, lang=target_language, max_tree_size=max_tree_size, url=url, only_with_metadata=only_with_metadata, author_blacklist=author_blacklist, url_blacklist=url_blacklist, date_params=date_extraction_params ) # quick and dirty HTML lang check if options.lang and ( or LANGID_FLAG is False): if check_html_lang(tree, options.lang) is False: LOGGER.error('wrong HTML meta language: %s', options.source) raise ValueError # extract metadata if necessary if options.format not in ("markdown", "txt"): document = extract_metadata(tree, options.url, options.date_params,, options.author_blacklist) # cut short if extracted URL in blacklist if document.url in options.url_blacklist: LOGGER.warning('blacklisted URL: %s', document.url) raise ValueError # cut short if core elements are missing if options.only_with_metadata and any( x is None for x in [, document.title, document.url] ): LOGGER.error('no metadata: %s', options.source) raise ValueError else: document = Document() # prune all xpath expressions that user specified # no backup as this is unetre full control of the user if prune_xpath is not None: if isinstance(prune_xpath, str): prune_xpath = [prune_xpath] tree = prune_unwanted_nodes(tree, [XPath(x) for x in prune_xpath]) # backup for further processing tree_backup = copy(tree) # clean cleaned_tree = tree_cleaning(tree, options) cleaned_tree_backup = copy(cleaned_tree) # convert tags, the rest does not work without conversion cleaned_tree = convert_tags(cleaned_tree, options, options.url or document.url) # comments first, then remove if options.comments: commentsbody, temp_comments, len_comments, cleaned_tree = extract_comments(cleaned_tree, options) else: commentsbody, temp_comments, len_comments = None, '', 0 if options.focus == "precision": cleaned_tree = prune_unwanted_nodes(cleaned_tree, REMOVE_COMMENTS_XPATH) # extract content postbody, temp_text, len_text = extract_content(cleaned_tree, options) # compare if necessary if not postbody, temp_text, len_text = compare_extraction(cleaned_tree_backup, deepcopy(tree_backup), postbody, temp_text, len_text, options) # add baseline as additional fallback # rescue: try to use original/dirty tree # and favor_precision is False=? if len_text < options.min_extracted_size: postbody, temp_text, len_text = baseline(deepcopy(tree_backup)) LOGGER.debug('non-clean extracted length: %s (extraction)', len_text) # tree size sanity check if options.max_tree_size: # strip tags if len(postbody) > options.max_tree_size: LOGGER.debug('output tree too long: %s', len(postbody)) strip_tags(postbody, 'hi') # still too long, raise an error if len(postbody) > options.max_tree_size: LOGGER.debug('output tree too long: %s, discarding %s', len(postbody), options.source) raise ValueError # size checks if options.comments and len_comments < options.min_extracted_comm_size: LOGGER.debug('not enough comments: %s', options.source) if len_text < options.min_output_size and \ len_comments < options.min_output_comm_size: LOGGER.debug('text and comments not long enough: %s %s %s', len_text, len_comments, options.source) raise ValueError # check duplicates at body level if options.dedup and duplicate_test(postbody, options) is True: LOGGER.debug('discarding duplicate document: %s', options.source) raise ValueError # sanity check on language if options.lang: is_not_target_lang, document = language_filter(temp_text, temp_comments, options.lang, document) if is_not_target_lang is True: LOGGER.debug('wrong language: %s', options.source) raise ValueError except (TypeError, ValueError): LOGGER.warning('discarding data: %s', options.source) return None # special case: python variables if options.format == 'python': document.text = xmltotxt(postbody, options.formatting) if options.comments: document.comments = xmltotxt(commentsbody, options.formatting) document.commentsbody = commentsbody document.raw_text = document.text else: document.raw_text, document.commentsbody = temp_text, commentsbody document.body = postbody return document if not as_dict else document.as_dict()
[docs] def extract(filecontent, url=None, record_id=None, no_fallback=False, favor_precision=False, favor_recall=False, include_comments=True, output_format="txt", tei_validation=False, target_language=None, include_tables=True, include_images=False, include_formatting=False, include_links=False, deduplicate=False, date_extraction_params=None, only_with_metadata=False, with_metadata=False, max_tree_size=None, url_blacklist=None, author_blacklist=None, settingsfile=None, prune_xpath=None, config=DEFAULT_CONFIG, options=None, **kwargs): """Main function exposed by the package: Wrapper for text extraction and conversion to chosen output format. Args: filecontent: HTML code as string. url: URL of the webpage. record_id: Add an ID to the metadata. no_fallback: Skip the backup extraction with readability-lxml and justext. favor_precision: prefer less text but correct extraction. favor_recall: when unsure, prefer more text. include_comments: Extract comments along with the main text. output_format: Define an output format: "csv", "json", "markdown", "txt", "xml", and "xmltei". tei_validation: Validate the XML-TEI output with respect to the TEI standard. target_language: Define a language to discard invalid documents (ISO 639-1 format). include_tables: Take into account information within the HTML <table> element. include_images: Take images into account (experimental). include_formatting: Keep structural elements related to formatting (only valuable if output_format is set to XML). include_links: Keep links along with their targets (experimental). deduplicate: Remove duplicate segments and documents. date_extraction_params: Provide extraction parameters to htmldate as dict(). only_with_metadata: Only keep documents featuring all essential metadata (date, title, url). max_tree_size: Discard documents with too many elements. url_blacklist: Provide a blacklist of URLs as set() to filter out documents. author_blacklist: Provide a blacklist of Author Names as set() to filter out authors. settingsfile: Use a configuration file to override the standard settings. prune_xpath: Provide an XPath expression to prune the tree before extraction. can be str or list of str. config: Directly provide a configparser configuration. options: Directly provide a whole extractor configuration. Returns: A string in the desired format or None. """ # older, deprecated functions if kwargs and any([ # output formats 'csv_output' in kwargs, 'json_output' in kwargs, 'tei_output' in kwargs, 'xml_output' in kwargs ]): raise NameError( 'Deprecated argument: use output_format instead, e.g. output_format="xml"' ) # todo: add with_metadata later # regroup extraction options if not options or not isinstance(options, Extractor): options = Extractor( config=use_config(settingsfile, config), output_format=output_format, fast=no_fallback, precision=favor_precision, recall=favor_recall, comments=include_comments, formatting=include_formatting, links=include_links, images=include_images, tables=include_tables, dedup=deduplicate, lang=target_language, max_tree_size=max_tree_size, url=url, only_with_metadata=only_with_metadata, tei_validation=tei_validation, author_blacklist=author_blacklist, url_blacklist=url_blacklist, date_params=date_extraction_params ) # markdown switch include_formatting = include_formatting or output_format == "markdown" # extraction try: document = bare_extraction( filecontent, options=options, with_metadata=with_metadata, as_dict=False, prune_xpath=prune_xpath, ) except RuntimeError: LOGGER.error('Processing timeout for %s', url) document = None # post-processing if document is None: return None if options.format not in ("markdown", "txt"): # add record ID to metadata = record_id # calculate fingerprint if document.raw_text is not None: document.fingerprint = content_fingerprint(str(document.title) + " " + str(document.raw_text)) # return return determine_returnstring(document, options)
def process_record(*args, **kwargs): "Deprecated extraction function." sys.exit("process_record() is deprecated, use extract() instead")